Sunday, April 11, 2010

Magen Thornhill
Animation for Adults: Blog 12

I really liked the look of the puppet animation. The use of puppets as in the Corpse Bride, The Nightmare Before Christmas, and Coraline give the films a surreal feeling. They appear darker and a bit more shocking than if they would have been made with live action or 2D animation. The background and the characters also have a distinct look and look more in-depth. Their faces are distorted and certain attributes are pointed out such as eyes. However this gives them a more individual and real look or even a scarier look. Even the short with the dog puppet looked more realistic to me.

I’ve never seen Wallace and Gromit since I don’t watch that much clay animation but it was a lot better than I was expecting. I want to watch the rest of the series now. The reading mostly dealt with audience and spectatorship. I don’t remember watching too many adult related shows when I was a kid except for Ren and Stimpy. I really don’t think I was interested in them but I did like more in depth story lines.

Except for anime I really don’t watch them much now either. I never really got into to South Park, Family Guy, or the Boondocks. I’ll watch them if they’re on but I don’t go out of my way to watch them. I do like the Oblongs though and Robot Chicken. Robot Chicken also uses stop animation, animating dolls. It makes fun of a lot things such as Harry Potter and My Little Pony.

Here’s a link with Apocalypse Pony

Overall I think this is a really interesting subject and I’m really looking forward to class on Monday.

1 comment:

  1. I completely agree with your comments on puppet animation. I am a huge fan of the surreal worlds that can be created in this style. You are completely right about the depth and individuality associated with puppet animation as well. For instance, the character of Coraline wouldn't be as engaging had she been made out of clay or drawn in cel animation. Being a puppet gives her life.
